Thursday, July 15, 2010

Kristen in ''Donna Moderna'' Italian Magazine

Kristen in ''Donna Moderna'' Italian Magazine


My boyfriend is perfect.
What as pity he’s a vampire

In the third chapter of the Twilight saga: Eclipse, Kristen still plays Bella and is still very much in love with Robert Pattinson.
But their story off screen stays away from the sunlight, even though a golden ring on the third finger of her left hand says more than one thousand words.

Kristen Stewart is a girl with long thin legs and who hardly ever smiles. At just 20 she’s the most famous and desired girl on the planet thanks to the role of Bella Swan, the teenager in love with a vampire in the Twilight saga, the screenplay adaptation on the best sellers by Stephanie Mayer. The first two movies Twilight and New Moon made one billion dollars and the DVDs sold 14 million copies. The story is about a love triangle among a human, a vampire played by Robert Pattinson, and a warewolf played by Taylor Lautner, and the rumors of a never confirmed but not even denied relationship between Stewart and Pattinson. The actress, in Rome just for one day, met the fans (1.300 in the queue from the dawn) to promote the third movie of the saga, Eclipse, and spent the rest of the time in her hotel room. She admitted to be afraid of going around the city, but she could visit it in 2008, when she wasn’t so famous yet. And she made the hotel stuff freak out when she asked a Red Bull light can, almost unavailable in Italy.

When we meet her for the interview with Donna Moderna, she wears jeans and a double striped shirt. Her publicists keep their eyes on her and tell us no personal question, especially those concerning Pattinson, even if she shows off a golden ring on the third finger of her left hand, with black nail varnish. Everything is formal and Kristen seems to be fed up. Later Lautner will tell me they both are always “very nervous” because of the pressure. Honestly, I can’t disagree.
I: One of the most waited scene of Eclipse is the kiss between Bella and Jacob. In the last chapter there was another kiss between Bella and Edward, which won for Best kiss and the Mtv Movie Awards 2009. How do you feel about this?
K:They’re completely different kisses. The one with Edward is like the end of the maturation path of their relationship, a kiss that goes beyond the daze at the beginning, that puts at stake something stronger (since Edward is played by Pattinson, this comment sounds more like autobiographical than cinematic; Ed)
With Jacob is different. He kisses him because she doesn’t want to lose him, it’s a sort of manipulation. But in that moment she understands something she had never realized before, that is he has lots to give her. So you realize that staying with Edward is a choice, not a need.

I: How did it go on set between you guys? Any embarrassment?
K: No. Rob is a good friend, we basically grow up together. And that’s the same with Taylor. This is why we worked really good: you can’t lie with a friend, this is very important when you act.

I: How much do you look like your character?
K: Even if I play her, I don’t think we’re similar physically. We have different eyes and different hair. But I feel linked to Bella because I played her for so much time and also because there’s something very visceral in Meyer’s description which dragged me into her world.

I: In which aspects do you identify with her?
K:I feel like her. Bella is “weird”, in the symbolic sense of the word, but she’s happy with it. She’s always herself.

I: Don’t you think that a woman like her, as a symbol of the romantic hero, is not so topical today?
K: No, I don’t. Because I don’t think Edward Is a hero, and this is what they like about the story. Bella is just a girl in love with a guy she thinks is perfect, the ideal man. It’s normal, it happens to everybody when we fall in love. (she smiles. Her thought seems to be more about her boyfriend Robert than the vampire Edward; Ed)

I: But the Twilight world talks about powers and characters not so normal. What do you think about the supernatural?
K: I always liked the myth. I was intrigued by the fact that old stories could live for so long and that civilizations far from each other could have the same legends. But I don’t believe in the supernatural. I believe people are strange and and between human being there are more deep and complex links than what we're used to think.

I: I know that the huge fame this character gave you, is giving you some relations problems.
K: Yeah, I actually developed a crazy fear for the crowds, many people together can be dangerous. But there’s something more. When I go somewhere I see people start to elbow and whisper, they have an idea of me, they know me. I realized I won’t ever be a normal girl and go unnoticed again. And this is scares me.

Source => gossip_dance / Translation => Debora---CSI_Robsten / Via => Robstenation

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