Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Twilight Cast Speak About Robert Pattinson at Twilight Tour in Orlando

The Twilight Cast Speak About Robert Pattinson at Twilight Tour in Orlando

Some of the Twi­light cast attended the Twi­light Tour in Orlando and said the fol­low­ing about Robert Pattinson:

Peter Facinelli:
- He showed Kris­ten one of the chicken breasts he was prac­tic­ing stitch­ing on and she said “yeah, no, I wouldn’t let you stitch me.“
– Dur­ing film­ing of Twi­light he said that Rob said to him once that he didn’t under­stand why they don’t just eat peo­ple.
– Dur­ing NM when Jasper attacks Bella and he’s sup­posed to restrain him, he knocked his wig off by acci­dent
– It was really him (Peter) that Rob/Edward threw to the ground dur­ing that scene (not dou­bles) & viceversa

Char­lie Bew­ley and Dan Cud­more:
– Fav Twi char­ac­ter besides them­selves: Charlie’s fav is Edward. Dan’s is the wolves.

- Char­lie just called Rob ‘Pussy whipped Pat­tin­son’. [he was asked who his favorite char­ac­ter is and he said it used to be Jacob but now Its Edward cause he feels like Edward needs a lit­tle fire up his ass cause Jacob tak­ing over..then he said “ya I like Edward..but not when he’s like…idk…if he’s like pussy whipped pat­tin­son then no” or some­thing like that and every­one died laugh­ing and was like OOOOOO and he just smirked and was really funny]

Boo­boo Stew­art:
– What was it like work­ing with RPatttz: Boo­boo says he is really funny
– Some­one asked if Boo­boo has lis­tened to RPattz on the Eclipse DVD com­men­tary. –lol

Alex Meraz:
Alex grabbed Kris­ten by the throat when film­ing the scene when she punches him. He thought he was being slick but instead he scared her in real life.

Their thoughts on the Twi­light Saga:
–Neat­est thing he’s expe­ri­enced from Bill Con­don? He’s very open to ideas and really nice
–Dur­ing train­ing scene in Eclipse when Emmett says “not in my nature”, Kel­lan tripped over a bush and fell over
–He’s miffed that Carlisle doesn’t get to take his shirt off so he might ask Bill Con­don if he can do a pant­less scene for BD

Char­lie and Dan:
– Char­lie would pre­fer ani­mal blood because it’s more fun to chase around an ani­mal.
– Human blood vs ani­mal blood if they were real vam­pires? Dan says the real thing becausec he’s not going to a bar and order a non-alcoholic drink
– Fav book in the series: Dan says Eclipse. Char­lie says Break­ing Dawn because Demetri gets to have some fun.
– Wow! moment while work­ing in Twi Saga? For Char­lie was see­ing the mag­ni­tude of the fan­dom when he went to Montepulciano

Source => Twilightish---t_mauricexo / Via => Robsten Lust---Robstenation---Thinking of Rob

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