Saturday, January 8, 2011

Will the Breaking Dawn Films Be "Soft Porn"?

Will the Breaking Dawn Films Be "Soft Porn"?

Happy Friday, Twi-hards!

Our fave Breaking Dawn producer Wyck Godfrey (because he has no problem shooting the crap quite honestly) sat down with USA Today to answer some burning questions that many fans have about the final flicks.

Like how much do we see, sex and birthing scene-wise?

Read on for some super fun tidbits, plus, our latest goss straight from the set:

Let's get to the logistical stuff first (sorry). Like, where does the first movie split in half? Apparently, the film ends just before Bella embarks on her transformation:

"We basically want to take the audience through the emotional part of Bella's journey as she becomes a vampire. The first part will cover the wedding, the honeymoon and the birth."

All of this is keeping a PG-13 rating, though.

"It would be a crime against our audience to go R-rated," Wyck explains. "This is based on a much more mature book. We need to progress and be more sophisticated."

The compromise they reached for shooting the bloody birthing scene is that we will see it through Kristen Stewart's perspective:

"She is looking through the haze, experiencing pain and everything rushing around her. We only see what she sees."

As we've told you many times, you get much more sexy stuff in the final films, but keeping it within a PG-13 rating, of course.

"It does not become soft porn," Wyck spills, adding that there is much more of a physical relationship between Kristen and Robert Pattinson's characters in these films. "It is a legitimate and important part of the movie, romantic and sensual."

Duh! Robsten finally doing it is what has kept us sticking around.

But, we're assured Bill Condon is kicking ass in Baton Rouge, La.

"Bill has been doing a great job," dishes one of our on-set sources. "Rob and Kristen seem to really like him. He seems to be bringing out different sides of their characters. You can tell there is a trust there."

Adds our insider:

"The first film will be the best one by far."

Source => E! Online / Via => Spunk Ransom

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