Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Family in the Fandom Needs Your Help!

A Family in the Fandom Needs Your Help!

Shannon, one of the former posters on Thinking of Rob and Strictly Robert Pattinson, and her family lost their pets and everything they owned in a house fire on January 31, 2011. You can read an article about that here.

She really need our helps so a lot of auctions have been create for help Shannon and her family.

* You can donate money => HERE

* You can donate clothing, food, housewares, etc, by emailing and find a list of what they need => HERE

* You can take part of the aunctions have been create :
- Bid on an ‘Eclipse’ Region 2 Special Edition Box Set => HERE
- Bid on Five ‘How to Be’ Posters Signed by Robert Pattinson

* If you can’t donate anything, just help by retweeting, liking, doing a post on your site, something to get the word out.

It's really important to help her, we should showing solidarity, cause anyone can be in her situation one day.

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