Friday, February 4, 2011

Tom Sturridge Talks About Rob with Collider

Tom Sturridge Talks About Rob with Collider

Question: Tom, what was it about this character that attracted you to the project, besides you picking the script up off of your friend Robert Pattinson’s floor?
TOM STURRIDGE: I don’t know how people are still holding onto this story. It’s not true. I said I was staying with a friend and I read the script, and people just went, “Well, he’s obviously only got one friend, so it must be Rob.” I was just staying with a girl and she happened to have a bunch of scripts, and I read it. I think it was pretty clear that he was a unique character. It was interesting to approach what is potentially a pretty cliched romantic concept – boy, girl, love, film – from this perspective of two relatively damaged people, and potentially mentally complex, with my character. Doing something relatively straight-forward from a relatively un-straight-forward point of view was very interesting.

Source => Collider / Via => Pattinson Stewart Fans

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