Thursday, July 14, 2011

100 Monkeys Answer Fan-Submitted Questions with @PattinsonPost

100 Monkeys Answer Fan-Submitted Questions with @PattinsonPost

We recently had the pleasure of interviewing the band 100 Monkeys at their show in Boston, Massachusetts on July 12th. 100 Monkeys is comprised of Jackson Rathbone, Uncle Larry, Ben Graupner, Ben Johnson and Jerad Anderson.

As part of the interview, we asked them questions submitted to our twitter @PattinsonPost by fans of the 100 Monkeys. What follows are the questions that were tweeted to us and the fascinating answers given to us by the band.

@MonkeyJunkie90: What song could you listen to and never get sick of hearing?
Jackson- “Ode to Joy”
BenG- You know, every time you hear “Happy Birthday,” it’s exciting and new…and it’s the same song (laughs).
BenJ- I’m gonna say “I Heard it Through the Grapevine,” covered by Creedence. That’s just one of those songs that’s so good I could listen to it over and over again.
Jerad- That’s a tough question. It would probably have to be something classic rock. Rolling Stones.
UncleLarry- Yes, the one that has not been written yet.

@TracyC25: Boston is a big music town. Is there a song you would like to cover by a Boston band?
BenG- I don’t know. Really, the only cover songs we play are by an artist named Spencer Bell. (Ed Note: Spencer Bell was a band mate of Ben Johnson who passed away from adrenal cancer. Read his story here and find out more about the Spencer Bell Memorial Project).

@100MonkeysNY: The songs on Liquid Zoo have a different sound. How did you come up with that?
BenG- Well, every CD is going to have its own sound. Liquid Zoo we were working between Los Angeles and Baton Rouge, Louisiana, so we kind of cut across the southern United States when we were making it. Being so close to New Orleans inspired us to use some brass and bring in some gospel choirs for “Modern Times.” And then just the way all of us change and grow as musicians as you move through life. There’s always going to be more on your next project than your last one because you are always moving through life into different space. So all of that kind of came together to make Liquid Zoo what it is.

@MindyCaley: You finally have a European tour. What are you most looking forward to on your European tour?
Jackson: Meeting new people, new places. New venues, new faces to have a good time with. We’re just excited to get a chance to play our music for our fans over there. We have a great fan base over there, it’s where we started out as a band and we’re finally going to get a chance to go play our music live for them.

@100MonkeysMD: If you could invent a musical instrument, what would it contain and what would you call it?
BenG- A guitar with a crank, that would be pretty sweet. With a guitar pick that would keep going kind of like a hurdy gurdy but the other way, it would be kind of like a tommy gun (makes machine gun noise).

Credit => Pattinson Post

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