Saturday, July 2, 2011

A Day with 100 Monkeys, with Backstage Footage

A Day with 100 Monkeys, with Backstage Footage

Wednesday 100 Monkeys were let loose on this city and they rocked it from the moment they stepped off the bus. Ok maybe there wasn’t a 100 of them, but with all the instruments this band incorporates you would think there was more than five.

The boys started off their day at Fox News, and one of the local radio stations. At which point they headed to Best Buy for a signing. This is when I met up with the guys, and I was amazed.

When I got to Best Buy I assumed that this was just going to be a signing, I was wrong. When I entered I saw a small show area. Before the boys did their signing they were gracious enough to do a short set for the crowd that came to see them.

They did four songs and they were great! That was at Best Buy, no hardcore sound system and the guys rocked it. They did the Monkey Switch-a-roo, where they switch instruments, for every single song. The boys were very impressive from their singing voices to their skills on each instruments. Jackson Rathbone’s voice reminded me of Elvis. Ben Graupner had a voice unique on his own, but I loved it.

After their set the boys did an autograph signing for their fans. They also handed out raffle tickets, they gave out three sets of tickets to their show that night and a Fender Guitar! They were so incredible with their fans and gracious to them.

From Best Buy the boys headed to the Egyptian Room, for sound check and all of that. We headed backstage to talk with the boys for a little bit, they were great! We only had about twenty minutes with the guys because they were doing a private meet and greet with some of their local fans.

The boys set was AMAZING! Their stage presence was FANTASTIC! They were one of the most crowd interactive musicians I have ever seen. Whether it was interacting with their fans from the stage or jumping out in the crowd. Their stage presence was felt through the whole room, and the screaming fans were proof of that.

Between sets we got to the chance to hang out with the guys out back, they were some of the most down to earth people I have ever met. The full review of the concert including the awesome openers New Hollow and The Kissing Club will be up soon. After 100 Monkey’s set they were gracious enough to sign more autographs for the audience.

Be sure to look for the review by Monday! For now here is a video of the concert and interview with the 100 Monkey’s including their improv song. “Wednesday!” Which was definitely a highlight of the night.

Source => Indy Concerts / Via => JRathboneFB

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