Thursday, October 13, 2011

Melissa Rosenberg Talks About "Breaking Dawn" with Glamour

Melissa Rosenberg Talks About "Breaking Dawn" with Glamour

Q: What is your favorite quote/scene in the movie/and in the books?
MR: I'd have to say the honeymoon scenes. very romantic and playful. lovely to see Edward and Bella having fun.

Q: What percentage of the Book were you actually able to get into the movie? We know added additional scenes, but did you get mirror close to our favortie scenes?
MR: Hi misty! Good to hear from you. Because we split the one book into two movies, it gave us a lot more room to include as much as possible from the books. Particularly in the first part. We wanted all our favorite scenes to be included - of course everyone has different favorites, but hopefully you'll be happy. xoM

Q: Hey Melissa! How did you translate all the wolf to wolf monologue in Breaking Dawn? Are they voice overs or are the conversations in their human form?
MR: There was a lot of discussion about the inter-wolf dialogue. In the end, the book pretty much dictated our approach making most of it voice over - but in a stylized way.

MR: there's not a screenwriter alive who hasn't had favorite scenes cut, either for budget reasons in production, or for pacing and storytelling reasons in editing. But honestly, when I saw the various cuts of the movie, I have to say I didn't miss them, can't even really remember what they were!

Q: Are we having a lot of romantic scenes between Edward and Bella on Breaking Dawn? Without all the pain that he feels when kiss her, and stuffs like that!
MR: There are some AWESOME romantic scenes for Bella and Edward! Seriously. The wedding is lush and emotional, the honeymoon is truly sexy. Trust me on this one.

Q: Thanks for bringing the adults more to the front. As a mom, I appreciate it.
MR: Glad you like it! Breaking Dawn is actually a very adult tale. Our characters are dealing with very grown up issues. Hoping you like it as well.

MR: Stephenie has been a wonderful collaborator. She, like the Producers, director and studio, gives me feedback on every stage of my process - from outline, to first draft to finished draft. Additionally, whenever I'm stuck on a scene or a storyline, I'll call or email her to either ask her about a certain character's backstory, maybe even

Q: Melissa - i've heard that this is the funniest movie to date. Did you make conscious effort to make Edward "lighter" for this one?
MR: Indeed Edward begins BD1 in a much lighter place - and yes, it was a very conscious choice. He's marrying Bella! He's the happiest vampire in the world. And then the honeymoon, though not without its... complications, is playful and romantic. But then - things get very dark, very fast, and Edward is at his darkest moment yet.

Q: Melissa,Have you watched Breaking Dawn in it's entirety? If so,were you moved by it emotionaly?
MR: I've seen a couple different cuts, and will see the most recent soon. I was sitting in the theater with some other people and began to hear gasps - I was worried for a moment, thinking, oh no, they're laughing (at a very serious moment). Then I realized, no, theyre crying. Not just crying, sobbing!

Q: Hey melissa who was ur favorite character go make and watch come to life? & why
MR: Watching Kristen and Rob embody those characters is a screenwriter's (and everyone else's) dream. Their chemistry is amazing, and very rare. But writing for Jacob, tracking his growth, translating his passion, fire and sense of humor - that's fun.

Q: Hello Melissa! From what I've seen, Breaking Dawn looks amazing! How was it like to work with Bill? And how would you describe him as an producer of Breaking Dawn? THANK YOU for being part of bringing te books to life! Hugs from Victoria, Norway
MR: our director Bill Condon. I've worked with many directors over my 20 year career (wow, 20... that just aged me!). And of course, I've work with several on the Twi series alone - ALL of whom were truly unique, great experiences (and I'm not just saying that). But I will say that, in my very long career, my collaboration with Bill was the best writer/director collaboration I've ever had. I think a lot of that is because he himself is a screenwriter (academy award winning no less!). So he spoke my language - story, stucture, character, theme. He helped me take the characters to new emotional depths... He's generous, and collaborative. I could go on and on

Q: Melissa... how on earth did you guys pull off that birth scene? From the way I envision it in the books I can't even to begin to imagine how you guys got it on screen without an x rating....
MR: After writing for Dexter for four years, I've come to understand that what's most terrifying isn't necessariyl what you see, it's what you DON'T see. The book really informed the way I wrote the scene - all from Bella's point of view. It conveys her terror, and the terror of Edward and Jacob. And Bill directed it with such intensity, I was mesmerized.

Q: Melissa ---- One More Question I just thought of. ---- Were you ON SET for the Last Filming? What was it like, knowing this was the last time you would be with your Twilight Family on set?
MR: I was on set for the most important scene in the movie! The wedding! If you look closely, you'll see me as one of the wedding guests (along with our producer Wyck Godfrey and Stephenie too!)

MR: The moment I finished the last draft of the last movie - I felt sad (to leave Stephenie's world... plus I so loved working with this team), free (it was time to move on), worried (what was next?!), excited (to see Bill bring it too life).

Source => Glamour FB / Via => Robert Pattinson Life

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