Saturday, October 1, 2011

October Contest : Win the Robert's "Fame" Comic Book + 6 bookmarks

October Contest : Win the Robert's "Fame" Comic Book + 6 bookmarks

Hello everyone !
This month, you could win the Robert's "Fame" Comic Book with 6 bookmarks of your choice.

1) Follow me on twitter @PatStewBoneCT.
2) Comment on this post and don't forget to write your twitter name.
3) One participation by twitter account.
4) Worldwide Contest.

The contest starts now and will end on Monday, October 31 at 6:00 PM. (Eastern U.S. time)
The winners will be announced on November 1 !

Please leave only one comment by people, thank you.
I make this contest for my followers, so if you don't follow me, I can't enter you in the competition and if you unfollow me before the end of the contest, I couldn't validate your comment !
If you change your twitter name before the end of the contest, please inform me, thank you. ;)
Good luck everyone !

Hello everyone !
Thank you all for your participation.
So, the winner is the comment number...

Congratulations to @TwiLucy_UK, please send me an e-mail at 


  1. OMg thats hot! I would love to have this, i mean, he's my life! *-* but good luck to everyone else too :)
    Twitter name: ILiveForRob

  2. I soo want to win! Good luck to everyone!

  3. wow your contests are always awesome :)
    Good Luck everyone!

  4. amazed :O xx I hope I win and congrats to the person that does this has got to be one the best conpetitions yet xx this is one of the only websites that have good competitions :D xxxx


  5. If there is a god out there he made rob be the most amazing person ever this looks amazing personality amazing hair a great actor and musician a great public speaker and singer has an amazing girlfriend and has influenced thousands of people can you ask for a better person?! He hasn't turned into a diva and isn't stuck up how ever rich he is which is VERY!! xx I LOVE ROB and would love to win <3 xxx


  6. ROB is the most amazing person ever and this is the most amazing competition :) he is so good looking and deserves an award for being the best boy friend/ friend and actor ever xxx

    @ RPATZLOVER1001

  7. Rob <3 I'm speechless xxxx


  8. I have won a previous competition with
    something like this it's the best feeling ever rob is epic xxx good luck to everyone <3 xxxxxxx


  9. je tente ma chance, pour ma petite soeur, comme d'hab'!lol

    merci d'avoir tjr de super lots!

    twitter haush1nka

  10. So gorgeous! Thanks for making these contests for us!! Good luck to all!

    Twitter @MyRobStewMania

  11. Awesome Contest my twitter name is @MaryE1980 thanks

  12. Thank you for the giveaway!
    Twitter name: @artdem83
    The bookmarks look amazing!!!

  13. Thanks for another awesome contest!! :)

  14. Wow, great contest! Thanks for hosting this. Really hope I win, I already have my bookmakrs picked out :) Good luck to everyone.

  15. i love your contests :D thanks for the awesome contest!

  16. Would lurrrrrve to win :)

  17. I love this! Great contest!

  18. Awesome! Great contest!! Thanks!!! :)
    (@GeauxTwi on Twitter)

  19. Gorgeous bookmarks of a gorgeous man....
    My twitter: flying099

  20. ohh i want some of those bookmarks! why so handsome Rob?! ;)


  21. Would love some Rob bookmarks! Thanks for the giveaway!


  22. I want to win this!! Very cool!!

  23. I soooo want to win this!!!!!!!!!! pls pls pls
