Thursday, November 10, 2011

Kristen in "Gioia" Italian Magazine

Kristen in "Gioia" Italian Magazine



She stares at you angling her head sideways and says again what she has been saying many times: “My age is irrelevant. What we are does not depend on how much time we have been on earth.” Anyway it’s kind of impressing that, at the age of 21, Kristen Stewart’s life is bound to Bella’s one. It’s stunning to think about the coincidence of falling in love in fiction and in real life: the passion between Robert Pattinson and her, although they never confirmed officially, looks to be stronger than anything.

Did you always like vampires?
-Yes, cause they are pretty dangerous. And we girls like to take some risks.

Does it make you sad to know that everything is about to end?
-It’s strange tot think that we won’t have another one to shoot. But both me and Rob felt it had to end at some point the last book is divided into two movies so we couldn’t go on further than that. I mean, it’s sad but not sad at the same time. And you just need to appreciate what it’s been, without regrets. That’s what it was like the last day of shooting: it just flew away, we were both tired and couldn’t wait to go home. “Today is another day.”

In Breaking Dawn part 1 and 2 Bella is going through a lot. Starting from the birth.
-And also the wedding and the supernatural growing of the creature. In one only movie there are happening things that people don’t even face in the whole life. I remember I often found myself thinking “Wow, this is too much.”

Why is Bella so obsessed by Edward, since he’s kind of negative for her…?
-Actually she’s just being strong and brave: she chooses to stay for something that really has a meaning for her. She could run away from it but she just stays and faces it even if it’s stronger than her apparently. She perfectly understand that she has to fight for something that is not about Edward anymore. What happens is not about the two of them, and that’s why they are in conflict.

And you, Kristen? Have you ever hated Edward?
-I felt some very negative feelings and happened to wish he stayed away from me. Some themes like domination and masochism come through really clearly here. I really liked Bella instead, even when she turns in some kind of wild animal: she’s protective.

Cause she’s a mother.
-And cause her feelings are more intense than anything she ever felt before. I think Bella is the strongest one; Edward would have screwed it all up many times, even though in theory they both want the same thing.

So she basically cares about him most?
-That’s not the point. But, unlike Edward, she’s aware of what could come.

And she’s lighter and more positive about it.
-He just has no hope; she, as I think may happen to many mothers, has some kind of divine and supernatural intuition. She just knows that it will be fine at the end and that’s why she takes the weight of what is going to happen. Someone suggested that Bella is not such a good example for young girls but I don’t agree: maybe if you watch it superficially you can think that but not if you read the books.

The birth brought up some discussions: many consider it as an anti-abortion choice. Did you talk about it on the set?
-Of course. We hope that the public won’t stress the ideological view of it. Bella herself has no clear ideas about it. She’s not that religious: she simply fights for something beautiful and inevitable. It’s like destiny.

The birth scene is a bit truculent. Won’t it be hard for the younger fans to see their heroine going through such a hard thing?
-Well the scene is supposed to have some impact and be scary. Bella comes really near to death and she’s really willing to do anything. A strong scene but necessary.

What about the sex scenes? They are explicit in the movie while they are barely mentioned in the book.
-It’s Twilight’s first time. While we were shooting I reflected about what we were doing. Then I watched the movie and it looked intense but not disturbing. Above all they say a lot about the strength and the passion between Edward and Bella.

In the movie you get married and have a child. What about real life?
-It’s not so unreal that a girl of my age has a child: one of my best friends just became a mom. I’m not dreaming to have a child really soon but I had no problems relating to the maternity.

Aren’t you afraid to be trapped in Twilight?
-Right now I have the feeling I’ll never stop answering questions about it. I’m really bound to Bella: I generally love the idea of following a character evolution as I did with her. Losing her right now, when I have the feeling to know her best, makes me a bit sad. And I’m pretty sure it will be the same for the fans: they won’t be able to separate me from her, not completely. But it’s clear that professionally I have to get away from this.

How much did it cost to you, speaking of personal renounces, to play Bella?
-Today it’s very hard for me to do what I really want to do. It’s strange: from one side I’m so proud of my job, from the other side it’s my job itself to stop me from realizing some wishes like just having a walk or a trip with a friend. The pressure from fans puts me in a bad position sometimes cause I’m like an open book and it happens that someone asks “Hey Kristen , honey, what’s wrong?”. At that point I just feel like crying.

The price of fame, in your case, is pretty high.
-And there’s another difficult aspect for me: with people you have known forever you are used to show yourself without being afraid. But if you happen to say something stupid in public people will start thinking you are stupid or something.

It must be annoying.
-And what is even more annoying is that people look me in the face and assume to know everything about me. That’s why I often feel the need to be alone.

Please, tell me one funny thing about it.
-Well it’s funny that at the very beginning no one would really bet on me: not even Jodie Foster, who I worked with in Panic Room. She said she didn’t expect it.

Did you keep in touch?
-We happen to meet each other sometimes. She’s always been protective and maternal to me, and what she tell me every time is: “keep in touch. There are so many things I’d like to teach you.” It’s an opportunity I don’t want to let go, even if in this period I’m full of business to do, cause she’s and amazing person and pro. I learned a lot from her, in terms of actors professional ethic and of the way you should threat people when you are famous.

Which is?
-With great respect.

How do you see your future, Kristen?
-I dream about playing great roles, in a magic place where life flows fluently, everyone loves me and are indulgent on me.

Source => Fiorels / Via => Robsten Dreams

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