Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Transcript of Jerad's Chat with Jerad Anderson Fans

Transcript of Jerad's Chat with Jerad Anderson Fans

Jerad started the chat by showing us some of his “prized possessions”. One of which is his iPad (which we all know he loves) and one of his newest toys…He brought out his new guitar from Fender. He says that the relationship with Fender is a win win situation and he feels he wins more cause he gets to play with the new toys. He says Fender has hooked them up.

How did your acting/musical career start?
I always played music. When I was four years old my grandma had a piano, one of those old brown upright pianos, and I figured out how to bang on it without making it sound bad. That’s how the music thing started and my parents put me in piano lessons. Of course I hated them because I refused to learn how to read the music. I would always just copy the teacher.
The acting was because I liked to make people laugh. I got into it when I moved to LA. I brought a guitar and myself to LA with my buddy. All the while I kept playing guitar and they just kinda went hand in hand.

What else would you do if you had more free time, besides being producer, actor, entrepreneur, musician ?
I would break the law. Yeah, if I am not busy enough I would probably find a way to break the law.

How was The Watchbox born?
It started because of my experience with Girlfriend and how difficult it was to try and let people see it. I figured why not create a tool that other people in my position could use and allow anyone to directly distribute online their movie or video or whatever it might be, and try to get people to support it directly. Because usually when you get into the distribution of movies, or anything that is worth monetizing, that you put your blood, sweat, and tears into and you have a lot of money in the project. It allows these other content creators to cut out the middle men that usually never pay them. My plan is to grow it into a place where you go and watch movies as an alternative to Netflix or Hulu or any of those other big places. It would be nice to have a spot to find unique stuff like our 100 Monkeys content and what not. The goal is to get it on to television and have an app for everything. It’s fun to build and its good for artists and all the content creators cause they get to be in direct control and not get screwed by all the middle men. It is a complex thing but it is fun. Thank you to everyone who has tried it so far, give me feed back to make it better because that is what is all about is making it good for you guys. (If you would like to leave feedback there is a support email on the page or you can leave comments on the face book page.)

How was your Sundance experience?
Watchbox sponsored a few concerts, both of which 100 Monkeys were a part of. We got to open for Third Eye Blind, which was cool. We have not really done that, we have always been the main event, so it was a good experience.

(Jerad pulls out his new guitar and says he got to try out his new favorite) No more white guitar…BLACK. He promises to keep it clean like a Harley Davidson. (Proceeds to play)

What is Wayne/Lauren Films?
I know a lot about that company!

What is Wayne/Lauren working on right now?
Holy Takedown is a movie I helped write with my partner/wife in the whole Wayne/Lauren company.

How is Holy Takedown coming along?
Jerad takes us over to the chalkboard and shows us some of the actors that are up for the movie. Some of which we know and some new faces. One of the names was Christian Slater whom he said he would send me on a date with…fingers crossed!!! They are waiting for deals to close and then heading into full on battlefield mode.

I heard you were a wrestler in school.
Yes I was. I wore the outfit and I rolled around with other men. (I said here’s to hoping for a cameo role for him. He laughed and said he hoped so, but wasn’t sure yet where in the movie)

Jerad brought out the Pinocchio puppet and beat it up after his chat connection being momentarily lost and spilling coffee. RIP Pinocchio

What is your “Best Movie Moment”?
I hate to say this but I like dark kinda messed up movies that make me laugh in a weird way like the movie Misery. It is one of my favorites. I think the best movie moment is when she goes a little nuts and hits his legs in with the hammer. I love that movie!

(Jerad proceeds to laugh as I gross out)

Liquid Zoo tour was huge! How was it?
It was awesome! It was really hot, the air conditioner in the bus was broken often. We got use to being in a constant stage of sweat. The shows were awesome, it’s one of the funnest thing to go up there and play. We got to every single day practically. We literally had like five days off the whole time, if that. So we were constantly moving and it was a lot of fun.

How would you compare the States to the European Tour?
The European Tour was cool, literally it was cold. We had a really nice bus. It went off without a hitch. It was short and sweet and it was cool that we had never been there before. The people were really excited, not that they aren’t really excited here, it was just a different world because it’s Europe. Not everyone speaks the same way even if they speak English. The culture is different, it is exciting going from country to country. They have crazy food!

Would you tour Europe again?
In a second!

Enter dog wresting…..It’s not everyday that man bites dog.

When you write music with the band....Do you write out the actual sheet music for a hard copy or just words with notes in the margin for what key etc...?
Never. It just comes together spontaneously and then through memory it develops. The lyrics are written down usually at some point. I don’t think Graupner ever writes down lyrics. He just usually commits them to memory. We never really write anything down. I think Johnson has written down some stuff.

Do you all read music?
Yes at various levels. It depends on if you are reading different notes than if you are looking at guitar tabs. I would say Johnson has the best skills in that department, he is a talented dude….everyone is.

Jerad says he likes to hide behind the instruments when mentioned that we need to have him sing more.

Have you been looking into how to play any new musical instruments in your spare time ?
Graupner just got this new upright bass that is twice the size of a human. That would be cool to learn how to play.

Enter Winnie….who gets blew on until she gives Jerad more doggie kisses.

It was nice to see you were playing with Mechanical People, did you enjoy it?
It was cool it was different. I only played the bass and hopped around as much as I could. I had a blast! It was interesting just playing different songs, we’d been playing a lot of the same songs live for a while. It was refreshing to try something different in a different set up and to play with other really talented musicians.

Is this going to be a regular thing with the new “Mechanical People” additions?
I don’t know if you would call them additions or sit ins. We will see what happens, you never know. It was just a fun show. Eric from Barnaby Saints is just a really talented musician, he makes us all better.

Which of their songs in your favorite?
Faith in the Will

What is your favorite line from a 100 Monkeys song?
A little too lazy for genius.

What is your favorite song/artist at the moment?
Prince man, Prince no doubt. He is ridiculous and he is an interesting character. He surprised me.

Do you like Princes movies?
His movies, I don’t know. I have definatly checked out his guitar solos on YouTube.

Didn’t the band go see Prince live?
We did. He is quite the performer. He is one of those rare cases that he is a really talented as musician and an incredible performer. That is the way to go, if you are gonna tour a live show if you can do both of those you have a winning combo. Not to mention that he’s got a bazillion hit songs.

Favorite iPad app?
That’s the hardest question ever. My favorite app is DropBox, it changed my life. It allows you to do anything from the Cloud. I am sure everyone has heard of it by now…you can do anything from anywhere. From my phone, my iPad, or my computer it is my hard drive in the Cloud. I like it.

Which SuperBowl commercial was your favorite?
The one with that little French Bulldog who is running a race and then moonwalks across the finish line.

Do you have a hidden talent? What is it?
I am good at letting dogs lick me. I can do a handstand for a really long time. He can do a backflip too. But each year he doesn’t do one it gets harder and scarier.

What is your lucky number?

What 3 things can you not live without?
I can’t live without my wife, that is number one.
My iPad
And my other best friend….Pinocchio

Do you like to read? What was the last book you read?
I do like to read…on this device (iPad). I have been reading the Steve Jobs biography. He was quite the character and the innovator. He was an awesome innovator and he sounded kinda mean, which not many people knew. He was equally nice and mean.

What was your last dream?
This was kinda a creepy dream. I dreamt that I was on the passenger side of a car and I wasn’t driving and none of the other cars had drivers. That was really creepy.

Do you do anything for yourself?
The last time I did that I was sick and stayed in bed. I am going to attempt to go to Disney Land soon…that’s my plan.

What is your favorite quote?
I am a quote man. The latest favorite quote is…You can’t predict the future so why not create it.

Jerad takes a picture and answers a few questions from chat.

Will 100 Monkeys be touring?
We have yet to plan something. We are trying to figure out how best to record new stuff since we are about due to do so. So that will be our focus primarily.

Do you think you can go a whole week without Technology?
I probably should. It would be good for me. But I can’t imagine it happening…it’s sad.

What would you like to say to your fans?
I would like to say, thanks for sticking around in the chat room even though I was gone for like 15 minutes. Thank you guys for being interested in everything that we do and supporting everything that we do it means a lot. I love you guys!

He read a few comments from the chat…
Have fun with dogs, iPad and Pinocchio
Rock Hard Jerad
Thank you Tweetasaurus Rex--I am gonna be the Tweetasaurus Rex from now on.
Someone liked the movie Wake--that’s good cause I can’t stand to watch myself in that movie.
Bye Everybody! Thank You…Bye!
Liquid Zoo tour was huge! How was it?

Credit => Jerad Anderson Fans / Via => JRathboneFB

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