Friday, March 23, 2012

Cronenberg Gets His Freak On In First COSMOPOLIS Teaser

Cronenberg Gets His Freak On In First COSMOPOLIS Teaser

Are you won of those who has bemoaned the public softening of David Cronenberg? One who feels that Eastern Promises was the beginning of the end for the director of Scanners, Dead Ringers, The Fly, Videodrome, The Brood and a host of other classics? Well, it would appear that rumors of his demise have been greatly exaggerated and that the Old Dave is coming back with Cosmopolis.

Eric Packer risks his entire fortune to bet against the yen on a tumultuous day, a move that puts him in an assassin's crosshairs as he moves from place to place in a limo in a study of capitalism that takes place in a slightly futuristic metropolis.

The first teaser for the adaptation of Don Delillo's novel has arrived online and it's full of all the kink fans have come to expect from Cronenberg. It also puts to rest any worries about the casting of Robert Pattinson, who seems to fit into this world perfectly.

Source => Twitch Film / Via => Robert Pattinson Life

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