Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Kristen Interview with NY Post

Kristen Interview with NY Post

Following that “Twilight” vampire thing with Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart’s so hot she could defrost Alaska. Could make Jamie Dimon smile. Almost make Newt Gingrich happy. Comes now her new movie “Snow White and the Huntsman.”

Being very bright, I right away figured the Huntsman she’s not.

“It’s classic Snow White but in the Dark Ages,” she says. “Now the Fairest One of All lives in a dangerous time. Things become a little harder because she’s escaped and trying to survive in a dark place, the Dark Forest. The Huntsman teaches me the skills of war because the Evil Queen, who’s Charlize Theron, thinks the only way to remain powerful on the throne is to consume Snow White’s heart.

“It’s weird to have this — a favorite story of mine growing up — be a fantasy action movie. In this we change the laws of destiny, and it has a sweetness. Parts are endowed with supergoodness. She’s really loving, and I tried to humanize it. I didn’t like the thought of a protagonist.

“What I want and am still trying to get is the sword. I know someone has it at Universal. The sword is Snow White’s good symbol. It’s heavy in her hand yet it represents her. I want to put it in my house.

“We filmed five months in London. I’m so used to living in LA that I loved being in a big city. London is wonderful, especially if you like steak and kidney pie.

“Now we’re doing Cannes, and then there’s the screening in New York the 29th and the opening June 1. That means gowns. I hate gowns so much. Just wear them once and give them back. After the opening, I go home.

“I want now only to be with my boys. I’m dying when I’m away from them. My two mutts. A yellow Lab and a shepherd. I can’t stand it. They’re what I miss.”

Kristen Stewart is so adorable to talk to, you’d love her even if she were the Wicked Witch.

Credit => NY Post / Via => Robstenation

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