Sunday, November 13, 2011

Jackson Interview with Gazzetta Di Forks (Italy)

Jackson Interview with Gazzetta Di Forks (Italy)

GAZZETTA DI FORKS: Hi Jackson, hi Nikki! We are the Twilight’s Italian official fan site, we asked you to greet our readers when you were on the red carpet…
NIKKI: Yes, I remember!
JACKSON: I don’t know if I did it right!

GF: It was great!
J: Fine!

GF: First of all ,thanks for coming here, we’re honoured to meet you. (To Nikki) Congratulations on your marriage!
N: Thanks!

GF: You’re a wonderful couple.

GF: Last year, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner were here, and Kristen told us Italian fans were the most enthusiastic people she had ever met. Did you think the same way yesterday when you met your fans?
N: There were so many passionate people, it will be hard to forget that moment!
J: The enthusiasm was contagious! You know ,you get on the car, come here and finally you see this energy, these smiles, these eyes staring back at you..It was a wonderful moment, I could not stop smiling. Not even now, to be honest!
N: It was so exciting, I was trembling!

GF: You spent time in Spain too
N: Yes ,we were there yesterday, in Madrid.

GF: How were they? As enthusiastic as us?
J: You know, it’s always different: all the times we met new people we see their different reactions; someone is team Jacob, other team Edward or team Alice :it’s fun for us to see it. Twilight tied together people of all the world with different age, gender or place of origin. Ad we had fun with everybody.

GF: You mentioned teams, you know there is also a team Hale? For the twins…
J: Yes we saw it!
N: Yes! The Hale’s! We saw some fans who belong to team Hale, I didn’t even know there was one until yesterday! It’s great!
J: Yes, it is!
N: I also find strange this team has more than 5 people!

GF: What was the first thing you did the last day of shooting?
N: The first thing I did was go to Bonnaroo, an American music festival, I will remember this for the rest of my life because I came back home with a lung infection… it was horrible… I had an asthma attack but it was a great festival anyway.
J: Well, after shooting the last scene I went to go drink a scotch with Elizabeth and Peter.
N: Really? At six a.m.?
J: Yes, thank God someone invented bars!
N: I went directly to the airport; from movie set to airport, without any stops halfway!
J: Well, I drank with them and then I had a drink with Ashley and Kellan at dawn… It was fun! We had six hard months on set so I really wanted to relax, to stay with my cast mates… too bad Nikki was on the plane.
N: I doubt I would have been invited if I was there!
J:What are you saying? You know I love you. Team Hale, right?
N:Team Hale, yes!

GF: How different was to shoot Breaking Dawn compared to the others movies of the saga?
J: Surely it was longer, it was like shooting two movies at the same time!
N:But we didn’t shoot in chronological order, one day we did a scene for the first movie and the other day a scene of the second movie: it was chaotic for all us actors but we had a great director.
J: I liked it !Especially when we were in Louisiana, I have some family members there and I had the chance to see and spend time with them. I couldn’t go to my cousin wedding because I was on the set of Twilight and it was great to see him after some years. And I also liked to be in Vancouver, where I have exceptional friends :the Bleeding Horse Express band. Every week end I drove one hour and half to be with them, to help them to arrange their music. I also produced their album “ Going South”: It was like having a second job.

GF: How was working with Bill Condon?
J: Extraordinary!
N: He’s a genius, really. I felt lost before starting to work. I didn’t understand what we were supposed to do. Breaking Dawn it’s hard to represent ,when my mother read the book she called me to say: “Are they going to do a movie from this book? Because I don’t know if it’s possible to do it.” But Bill convinced us all. It’s a great director and a great person, I loved working with him. He calmed down us during stressful times.
J: He’s friendly and it’s easy to get along with him . At the beginning I was a little scared but, as soon as I started to talk to him, I felt at ease.

GF: Thank you very much, it’s been awesome talking to you!
J and N: Thank you!

Source => Gazzetta Di Forks / Via and Translation => Jackson Rathbone Online

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